Event Manager: Mandy Salomo
// Full Talks //

Guidelines for Full Talks

The Organising Committee of the 22nd HFSP Awardees Meeting (HFSP 2023) will do its utmost to help authors with their presentations and to facilitate their arrival and stay during the meeting.

Please take a few minutes to read the following guidelines regarding the onsite organisation of the meeting for the smooth running of the sessions.

As a full talk presenter, you must:

Prepare and bring onsite your PowerPoint presentation file.
Give your talk in the defined room at the designated time.

All presenters of full talks must attend the congress in-person.

Full Talks


// Full Talks //

Technical Guidelines for Full Talk Presentations

The file for your oral presentation must be created in a PowerPoint file (.ppt or .pptx). Your presentation should be composed of slides in landscape format 16:9.

To guide you with the preparation of your presentation, you can use the template in the proper PowerPoint format. The template for oral presentations is available at this link.

If you operate under Mac:

Please note onsite display will use PC screens. We therefore suggest you check your presentation using Windows prior to the upload to the master computer. To avoid any display issues, please use fonts that are compatible under both operating systems (Arial, Courier New, Geneva, Georgia, Helvetica, Times, Times New Roman). If using Office Mac PowerPoint 2004 please make sure to add the extension .ppt to your file name (ex: myfile.ppt).

If you insert images or pictures:

They must be under the following format: .jpg, or .gif, format (.pict is prohibited) and must be in high definition to allow efficient viewing. Images/pictures resolution should be 1920 X 1080 minimum (width by height).

If you have video files attached to your power point presentation:
They must be in the following format: .mpg, .mpeg, .avi, .wmv or .mov and must be saved in the same folder as the presentation. And do not forget, when saving your final presentation on a USB device, to make sure to include your video files if any, and all links to these multimedia files.

Submission of the Presentation File

All speakers should present themselves at the Speakers prep station (outside of the main venue) at least 30 minutes before their presentation in order to load their slides onto a PC or MAC. The presentations will be launched by the technician and presenters will be provided with a remote control and pointer to control their slides.
You should also check on the online programme that the time of your session has not changed.

Duration of your Presentation

Speakers are invited to check the programme prior to the session. Please, follow the instructions you received, especially with regards to the time allotted to your presentation.
Do not go over the time limit and remember to save time for discussion! Remember to speak directly into the microphone at a suitable speed for everybody to understand.

Official Language:

The official language of the congress is English, which means that all presentations and questions must be delivered in English.

Should you have any further questions, or need any support, please feel free to contact the Abstract Manager, Ms Jodi Nefdt at jodi.nefdt@mrc.ac.za